"That's what" - She

Okay, I've been horrible at updateing this thing, so lets start with the good things first. The BEST thing I have to say is that in less than a month my wonderful, dearly beloved friend Jennifer will be with me for 2 weeks! It's gonna be so freakin' awesome, I just can't wait!

kunde inte hitta en vackrare bild

The second good thing is that so far I've only had A's in english, the not so good thing is Macroeconomics fucking suck big time. So what else is new?? Nothing much, living my life, watching The Voice (and other series) and go to Jimmy's every weekend, oh what a wonderful life.

Postat av: Jennifer

oooh such a beautiful pic! ;D

hahaha Det kommer bli freeaking awesome!!!!

<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 23 dagar kvar!!

2011-06-16 @ 14:55:07
URL: http://jessohyes.blogg.se/

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