(Déjà Vu) I've Been Here Before

Lauren left this morning, feeling a bit sab about that, but she's gonna be so amazing I just know it! Getting another roommate today. Went to the school, sold my books back.. Then back to this empty room, my mom called spoke to her, and my dad as well (miss them). Been watching my series, as they are comming back one after one *yay*..

Some are old some are new, Nikita is one of the new ones, it's a little crazy and a little like Dark Angel, but it's soo good. Then we have Hellcats, I'm a sucker for cheerleaders, adn anything with cheers hahahaha (Bring it on nerd foevever). Than we have all the old goodies comming back! So what else is new?! Not much.. waiting for my freind Amesha to wake up and get our manny/peddy's going, couse let's face it, I need it badly! Now, let's watch whatever is on hulu, I have a week of doing nothing.

Postat av: åse

Lots of those series are really great. Especially Gossip Girl :)

2010-09-19 @ 13:46:10
URL: http://tjejenmedkameran.blogg.se/

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