Harry Potter and the deathly hallows, part 1

Went to the IMAX this morning to see the wonderful movie Harry Potter and the deathly hallows, part one. Even though I, as always, love the book so much more the movie was really good. Really want the second part to come out as well. Yes, I did cry, and laugh, and fall in love with Mr. Grint all over again. What to do? I love that ginger boy, grr... He's freakin awesome, and so is the rest of the cast, goosh I really want the second part to come out right now, even if I know what gonna happen, it's sooooo good.

Postat av: Palmira

Vältränad är han oxå, nu från ingenstans! :)

2010-11-23 @ 08:30:41
URL: http://Bubbledreams.devote.se

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