Quentin Fields
Jag har aldrig sett ett så sorgligt One Tree Hill avsnitt i hela mitt liv.
Det var sjukt bra, men fan va jag grät. He who does not weep does not see.
Jamie: I want to go. Quentin was my friend and I want to say good-bye too.
Haley: It's going to be really sad, buddy.
Jamie: I'm already sad.
Haley: You're right. Quentin is your friend and a good one You should say goodbye.
Det var sjukt bra, men fan va jag grät. He who does not weep does not see.
Jamie: I want to go. Quentin was my friend and I want to say good-bye too.
Haley: It's going to be really sad, buddy.
Jamie: I'm already sad.
Haley: You're right. Quentin is your friend and a good one You should say goodbye.