
Från och med nu finns jag inte här längre, mina dagar som spenderats vid denna blogg är över. Trötthet och lathet tog över denna blogg, så med nya tag ger jag mig in i en ny blogg. Den kommer likna denna, det kommer fortfarande vara mitt liv, mina tankar och mina knäppa tillägg om en vanlig vardag.

Från och med nu hittar ni mig här: http://xratedcupcake.blogg.se

Day 20 - A photo of a celebrity who you think is a good role model.

Day 19 - A photo of a celebrity whose house you'd love a tour of.

Day 18 - A photo of a celebrity whose wardrobe you'd love to have.

Day 17 - A photo of a celebrity who would play you in a movie about your life.

Day 16 - A photo of a celebrity you would love to have over for dinner.

Day 15 - A photo of a celebrity who you think cares more about the fame and money rather than the fans.

Day 14 - A photo of an artist whose concert you would love to go to.

Day 13 - A photo of a celebrity you'd do anything to meet.

Day 12 - A photo of your favorite TV actor/actress.

Day 11 - A photo of your favorite classic actor/actress.

Day 10 - A photo of your favorite foreign celebrity.

Day 9 - A photo of a celebrity who you'd love to be best friends with.

Day 8 - A photo of your favorite Disney star.

Day 7 - A photo of a celebrity who you’d love to trade lives with.

this is me

I'm Batman


Google translate,
really bad translation.

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